Carrousel Case Study: When in Rome

When Monique Rochard-Marine, Director; Strategic Meetings Management & Event Operations, was asked by her organization’s CEO to plan a trip to a new continent with only 8 months’ notice and while expecting a child, she knew she needed help, fast. Luckily, she also knew that Carrousel Travel could step up to the plate. “I don’t…


Incentive Destination Spotlight: Nashville

Nashville: Meeting and Incentive Destination

Helping organizations discover the perfect destination for their meeting or incentive travel might sound like a daunting task. But partnering with Carrousel gives you access to our travel experts who have their fingers on the pulse of exciting spots across the world. Nashville, Tennessee is an increasingly popular destination for a lot of reasons. For…


The Early Bird Gets the Deals! 2019 Meeting & Incentive Trends

Meeting and Incentive Trends 2019

It’s hard to believe that 2019 is just around the corner. And if you haven’t started planning out your meeting and incentives for the new year… Well, trends are showing that it’s time to pull the trigger. Skift is predicting that 2019 will see an uptick in meeting demand. And, as the basics of economics…


4 Reasons Why More Meetings Should Be Face-to-Face

Face-to-face Meetings

Fostering trust. Facilitating meaningful interactions. Driving productive collaborations. We’re willing to bet that some of your main business objectives are encapsulated in at least one or more of those sentences. One of the key modes by which these objectives happen? Face-to-face meetings. Forbes places an ‘immeasurable importance’ on in-person meetings, and we think your organization…


5 Tips for Planning Cost-Effective Meetings & Incentive Programs

Cost Saving Meetings and Incentive Programs

Your organization could see huge cost savings for meetings with a little bit of foresight and planning that crosses over into incentive programs as well. Consider options around hotel negotiation, group air contracts, and more. Negotiate for multiple years Repeat business is the name of the game when it comes to hotel bookings. Being able…


Beyond the Board Room: 2018 Meeting Trends

Meeting Trends 2018

It sounds crazy to believe that we are almost midway through 2018. As we hone in on the second part of the year, there are some definite meeting trends and new incentive ideas becoming more prominent in 2018. As any event or meeting planner can confirm, the details that go into successfully pulling off an…